Since I have just created this blog and have little to no clue how to work/edit this site yet I think I should probably say something to introduce it and what I hopefully intend to do with it over the coming months.
Right to start off I'll explain what I intend to be doing with this page. 'the39thhour Reviews', just in case my compelling and inspired title didn't help you come to any sound theories as to the content of this page, I can now reveal the fact that I will be writing film reviews hopefully for the foreseeable future and posting them to this blog. As for now I don't have any real schedule laid out in my head as I don't want to hold myself to any deadlines as state education tried to do that to me and it didn't turn out well for my future or the school's grade averages.
As I have said the larger percentage of reviews I will make will be on films however if there is anything I particularly wish to insult, you may see the odd game or TV show review on here too. To make it abundantly clear from the off, do not expect to see new films being reviewed all the time as I don't have a money dispenser shoved up my rectum unlike a lot of film reviewers that I have seen on YouTube. Saying that I will only make reviews on films that I am truly interested in so I really wouldn't expect to see many live action musicals here as to me they are the equivalent of wet socks... or Bubonic plague.
In conclusion I will review films, but only ones I find interesting, I don't have a schedule and live action musicals are as bad as something that once killed a third of the world's population...or Bubonic plague!
Footnote (to answer the questions that nobody cares about):
Q- Why did you decide to make a blog?
A- This blog has come to be due to both my passion for criticizing other people's hard work and my severe lack of things to do in my free time.
Q- Why is your username 'the39thhour'
A- There's a song by a bloke called Deadmau5 called The 16th Hour and I thought to myself, 'I wonder what happens if I multiply that by 2 and add 7.